Our Services

Our Services

Services offer

Inspection and control of welds

Editing of WPS (DMOS) and certification of PQR (QMOS) according to AWS, ASME, ISO etc.

Inspection of lifting appliances, lifted equipment and accessories

Inspection and hydro testing of pressure vessels and process piping

Issuance of welder qualifications according to AWS, ASME, ISO etc.

NDT Penetrant Testing (PT) / Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) / Ultrasound testing (UT) / Radiographic testing (RT) of molded, machined, welded products etc.

Inspection and control of drill stem and OCTG equipment

Inspection and control of storage tanks

Inspection and monitoring of cathodic protection of buried metallic structures

Calibration of pressure gauges and relief valves


Advance Services


Our Training Programs

Manual handling techniques



Working at heights

Working in confined spaces

Safely driving of lifting appliances

Defensive Driving

Scaffolding fitter

Verification and acceptance of scaffolding

Electrical Accreditation